Every character has defense mechanisms they default to, some are chosen involuntarily, some they aren’t even consciously aware of. But all of that will show the reader a lot about who the character is and what’s important to them.
Tag: emotional layering

How Do I Add Emotion To My Fiction?
Part of the power of deep point of view (I think) is diving deep into emotions in a way that’s both specific and unique to the character and universal to the reader. Some writers focus more on what’s happening than on what’s being felt. I fall into this category. I…

Advice From Jack Sparrow On Building Emotional Connections With Readers
Captain Jack Sparrow, love him or hate him, most people FEEL something for the irrascible pirate. What can Jack Sparrow teach us about creating emotional connections with readers? Lots. Savvy? There are many posts out there on the interwebz for writers looking for advice on how to create emotional connections…

Create Emotional Connections With Readers Using Deep Point Of View
There are still many many fans of writers like Tolkien, Austen, and Dickens, but contemporary readers (particularly genre fiction readers) are looking for more than entertainment from a book — they want an emotional experience! “By some curious chance one morning long ago in the quiet of the world, when…

How To Write About PTSD In Deep Point Of View
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD – is a popular device for fiction authors. PTSD forces your characters to overcome insurmountable obstacles emotionally and mentally. Characters who are at war with themselves in addition to any external conflict just makes good fiction. The problem is writers research symptoms and run…

3 Tips On Writing Internal Conflict With Emotional Punch
Does your main character have a line in the sand, a personal boundary or belief they will not violate? This internal conflict is central stories written in deep point of view often. What happens if the character violates their belief or boundary? What would they sacrifice in order to avoid…