Growing An Organic Platform on Facebook
July 22, 2017
Learn the difference between a Page and a Profile, how to best utilize each one, and which is best for you. There’s a lot of bad press out there about how you have to pay to reach fans on Facebook, and though it grows more difficult it’s no where near impossible. Learn how to organically grow you reach and platform on Facebook. If you can’t connect with an audience organically, you’ll be throwing away money on ads.
You will learn:
- The pros and cons of profiles and pages
- How to get comments
- Create engaging images
- The power of native video
- Create goals and learn how to measure the success of your efforts
- Importance of visual branding
- The best ways to sabotage your efforts (aka – are you being a jerk?)
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Method Acting For Writers: How To Write In Deep POV
August 1 – 14, 2017
Deep POV teaches you a personal and immediate writing style that will strengthen your writing and turn your readers into avid fans!
This deeply personal emotive style of writing resonates with contemporary readers, if you’ve got the guts to “go there” with your characters. This is a difficult skillset to master, but it’ll change how you write forever.
Learning to write Deep POV will:
• eliminate telling
• help readers connect with your characters
• create immediacy
• master internal dialogue
• understand and use subtext
• write tight
• create unique character voice
• tap into your emotive memory (just like actors do)
• learn how to use insights from psychology to write visceral fiction
Lisa Hall-Wilson is an award-winning journalist and novelist, and writing teacher. She’s been studying Deep POV since the early 2000s. Lisa spent years gleaning information from books, attending conferences, and paying for professional critiques trying to learn the best tips and techniques of writing in Deep POV. She’s taken all she’s learned, from a wide variety of sources and packed it all into an intensive 2 week WANA class. You’ll receive pdf bite-size lessons each day with small homework sessions (using your current WIP), and a video lesson with examples so you can SEE the difference deep POV makes. Some lessons will invite you to submit your homework for review. There will also be at least two posted “office hours” sessions where you can ask questions in the group via Facebook Live.
How It Works…
You’ll be invited to join a closed Facebook group that will serve as our classroom. Lessons will be available in the Facebook group only, but you’re free to upload them to read offline. Jump in the trenches for this intense but short series of focused lessons so you can learn faster and get back to writing that bestseller.
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Beyond Lipstick And Swords: Writing Strong Female Characters
September 9, 2017
What if the female characters in our books were like…real women?
Want to create strong female characters with depth and vitality but avoid clichés and tired tropes? This class will explore the pitfalls and old ruts writers fall into when creating strong female characters, and what to strive for instead. Because what if your character doesn’t wield a sword or own a power suit – are they still strong?
Learn what’s missing from many depictions of strong female characters and how to write them in a realistic way even if you’re writing fantasy! Joss Whedon isn’t the only one who can write strong female characters – and Wonder Woman isn’t the only type of strong female character you can write.
Some of what you’ll learn:
- what makes women strong
- making female warriors believable
- shaping societal forces
- women are not men
- women in community
- character agency
Lisa Hall-Wilson is an award-winning journalist and novelist, and writing teacher. She grew up watching and reading about women like Wonder Woman, Princess Allura, Jo March, She-Ra, Catherine Chandler, Jessica Fletcher, and other less notable characters. After realizing she was repeating all of the tired tropes and stereotypes she hated, Lisa spent months studying strong female characters and learning what makes them authentic and real.
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Classes Available Upon Request
How To Get Them Talking: Learn To Interview Like A Journalist
Learn from a journalist on how to get the interview, craft questions, get a source talking, how to ask the hard questions without offending, and best practices. I’ve interviewed best-selling authors, JUNO-winning musicians, comedians, drug addicts, a celebrity fashion designer, former prostitutes, police officers, firefighters, pastors, and people with a great story to tell. Whether you’re writing fiction, non-fiction, articles, or blogging — learning how to run an effective interview is an essential skill.
How To Write A Stand-Out Media Release
Learn how to get a journalist’s attention. Everyone wants to see their book launch announced in the local and national papers, and land interviews on radio and television. It’s all about a great media release and the right connections. Learn what information journalists, radio hosts, and editors are looking for, how to get their attention, and garner the attention your work deserves. Learn who to send your media release to, how to approach them, and what to say.
Using Inner Dialogue Effectively
Inner Dialogue is the conversation we have inside our own heads. These conversations are raw, uncensored, impolite, and often reveal the gap between what we’re thinking and what we say and do. Being able to convey that gap (that inner conflict) to readers helps them connect with your characters in a new way. This is what compelling writing is all about! Effective inner dialogue develops character voice, is an absolute must when writing in Deep POV, and reveals inner conflict.
What people are saying about Lisa’s classes
“Your notes are exceptional. Full of info and very easy to understand and follow. Thank you for that. The webinars were a nice touch and they added that personal touch that enhances the class and although I wasn’t able to attend all of them, it’s nice to go back to them and still feel like I was there…You are an amazing teacher and you should be so proud! And I’m so grateful for the class – You really helped make FB less daunting.” Debbie Haynes
“The class was well paced and informative and your notes were clear, understandable and covered the topics very well.” ~Joy Griffin Dent w/a Darcy Flynn
“Thank you Lisa for running this awesome class and for all the lessons, resources, advice and tips. You are a great teacher. I have learned so much about Facebook – I’m a complete newbie to Facebook and it would have taken me ages to figure this stuff out myself! It’s been a joy being part of the class and I look forward to being part of a thriving FB WANA group.” ~Cole Vassiliou
“I am amazed at how much I learned as a result of doing this class.” ~Sarah Brabazon
Lisa is available as a speaker at writer’s events and conferences. Above is a list of my most-requested classes available for writers.
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