Point of view errors break the fictive dream for readers. This is a problem in general, but in deep point of view where the aim is to create an immersive experience for a reader – this is equivalent of ripping off the virtual reality goggles without warning. A little jarring…
Tag: writers

Writing Emotions In Layers – What Does It Look Like
Psychology tells us there are primary emotions and secondary emotions. Primary emotions are the instinctual, gut-reaction emotions we have no control over. Secondary emotions are caused by or are reactions to primary emotions. Anger is a secondary emotion. You don’t immediately jump to anger, something’s caused you to be angry….

Writing The Body Language Of Dominance In Deep Point Of View
There are people who have dominant personalities. We might call them an alpha. They don’t have to be abusive, arrogant, angry, or dismissive. In fact, when you combine the positive traits of dominant males with generosity, humility, and a few others, a compelling character can emerge. Dominant Characters In Deep…

7 Ways To Be A Confident Writer Even If You’re Not A Bestseller
Artists of all stripes seem riddled with self-doubt. Part of that is because we so closely identify with our work that a rejection of our work is felt as a personal rejection. Learning to be a confident writer, not even all of the time but at least some of the…

4 Ways Writers Cheat Reality With Internal Dialogue To Write Better Fiction
Emotion In Internal Dialogue Internal dialogue is the power horse of deep point of view. Because this style of writing is personal and intimate, the things we tell ourselves, our internal observations, opinions and biases makes up a significant part of the conflict in the story. Internal dialogue is often…

Gifts For Writers
What do you buy the writer on your Christmas list with too many notebooks already? Here’s a list of fun ideas to get you started. It’s that time of year again when people want to give a writer a meaningful gift. The go-to gift is always a notebook and pen,…