Everybody gets angry. Whether you’re irritated or enraged, it’s not a simple emotion. Stephen King says fiction is truth inside a lie. We must have characters react honestly and authentically, but how much do you know about getting angry?
Anger is a universal emotions. It’s impossible to write a novel and not include anger some form or other. Anger motivates, intimidates, inspires change, fights back, breaks hearts, and can mend things. But, because it’s universal, writers don’t think they need to learn more about it. Everyone’s experienced anger, many kinds of anger – but that makes the writer’s job more difficult because if it’s not done well, if you don’t dig deep to keep it authentic, every reader will you cheated.
Avoid Naming Anger
Avoid the pit-fall called telling (as opposed to showing) by not naming anger.
He replied angrily.
She was having a fit of rage.
These are lazy. Don’t be lazy! Show readers what angry looks like: their gestures, facial expressions, body posture, actions, etc. It’s definitely more challenging to write this way, but it’s more satisfying for the reader.
Anger Is A Reaction
Anger is a secondary emotion, the reaction or consequence of one or more other emotions. Know why your character is angry.
Scenario: A mom has told her two children to stay together and come home straight after school. They’re late. She’s frustrated they didn’t listen to her. Mom goes to the school looking for them. The teachers haven’t seen them. Now she’s worried. Where could they be? The school calls for them over the PA system. We’ll have a look around the office staff say. Mom runs home again to see if she missed them. Returns to school. Now she’s panicking.
When the school custodian marches the two kids into the school office, she can’t keep the emotion from her voice because of the relief of finding them safe. They’ve been digging in the lost and found for half an hour looking for a misplaced sweater she’s been after her son to find. She leaves and with a raised voice lectures them all the way home.
She calls her husband to tell him the kids are safe. They start arguing. It’s not her fault they were late. It’s not her fault she couldn’t find them. It turns into a full blown argument — because the reaction of all those intense emotions running through her is anger.
She’s not upset with her husband, but she can’t lash out at her kids. What emotions has she gone through: anxiety, panic, relief, fear, joy, embarrassment. See how the anger generated by this situation is made up of the shades of other emotions? By showing the readers each emotion as Mom experiences it, her anger is easier to follow and understand.
Depending on the intensity of the root emotion for the anger, the character’s reaction and the length of the reaction will be different.
Anger Looks Different For Different People
When my grandmother was angry, she’d stamp her foot. She rarely raised her voice, but she’d stamp her foot and say, “Now I’m getting cross.” That’s when you knew you were in serious trouble and you wouldn’t be talking your way out of it. Some people lash out physically when they’re angry – and yes abusers, but what about slamming doors or books shut, throwing dishes into a sink? Cleaning like a mad fool? Some people lash out verbally by yelling, turning to sarcasm, or shame. Others just go silent. Have some fun exploring this with your characters.
Anger Is Often Directed At Someone Or Something
When you can’t get angry at the person who made you mad, you direct that reaction elsewhere. Like the mom in the above example who ended up lashing out at her husband instead of her children. Sometimes we berate ourselves: I’m so stupid – I can’t believe I did that. What was I thinking? It’s all my fault. What does internalizing this conflict do to a person? What are the physiological symptoms of keeping everything inside? There’s lots to explore here, but it’s also easy to slip into overdone stereotypes.
Anger Can Heal
Letting loose can feel really good. You finally got that something something off your chest. You’ve stood up for yourself. You faced the injustice, answered the wrong. You’re not just spouting off, you’re looking for change. This stops right here, right now. This is your line in the sand. …And (wink, wink) how did you make up afterwards?
Ever been there? How did it feel? Was there a moment of regret, hesitation? You weren’t sure you could go through with it, but afterwards… Was it worth it? It’s important to capture the internal conflict authentically in this situation.
Hiding Anger
Have you swallowed a comeback to a snarky remark? Been redressed publicly by a boss and said nothing? You marched back to your office and slammed a few folders around, texted your spouse – whatever. There are consequences to squelching anger, to denying yourself the release and vindication of this emotion. Sometimes you suppress your anger because your reaction is inappropriate. The infant that won’t stop screaming despite the fact that you’re dead tired is an example. Sometimes reaction publicly isn’t appropriate and you have to wait until you’re alone with a person. Sometimes you need time to process your emotions so you don’t lash out in blind anger.
This will look and feel different to the character than the examples above, because this is a conscious choice. You’ll need to use internal dialogue or even dialogue to show the reader what’s really going on — show the internal conflict of denying the anger.
Have you ever thought of anger as a secondary emotion? Do you struggle to write anger authentically? What do you struggle with?
Been told you should learn Deep Point Of View? Had an editor or critique partner tell you to “go deeper” with the emotions in your fiction? Looking for a community of writers seeking to create emotional connections with readers? Check out the Free Resource Hub and then join the Going Deeper With Emotions In Fiction Facebook group.
I think for most of us, the default setting is to write anger in our characters the same way we express anger ourselves. Remembering that our way isn’t the only way can make a huge difference in differentiating our characters. Nice post 🙂
Marcy Kennedy recently posted…The Missing Hunger Games Line
Typically I just go silent when I’m angry, unless I’m spitting mad. But only my brother can make me so mad that I start screaming and really lose control. I think we’re all capable of every facet of anger – that’s an aspect of fiction I love exploring.
I’ve never thought of anger as a secondary emotion, but it makes so much sense. It took me a long time to feel anger at all… and you’re right—it can be liberating!
August McLaughlin recently posted…“Top Crime Writer” Roger Jon Ellory: A Peek Inside His Life
Yes, that kind of liberating anger is awesome. It’s a lot harder to dig into the why with my character’s anger, but I think it makes the story richer and gives better dimension.
I struggled against anger for much of my early life; it burns white hot, blinding, fierce, destructive, leaving you hollow and empty afterwards. I can give that to my characters, but I prefer to find another way to have my needs met in real life.
Great post, thought provoking.
Prudence MacLeod recently posted…Return of the Witch
Thanks for stopping by. What I love about writing fiction, is that I can put my characters into similar situations I’ve been in and have them react the way I wish I had reacted. lol
You are so right on here, Lisa! Anger is an important part of who we are. And… part of our stories if we want them to have any conflict and interest. No “blah” please. Determining how each of our characters deals with anger is the key. Thank you for this thought provoking post.
Debra Kristi recently posted…Hit by the Lucky 7! BAM!
Great post, Lisa.
I’m a flash and flare then it’s finished type of person, although never about small stuff. I never hold a grudge because it’s self destructive to keep anger simmering on the back burner.
My grandmother once told me to never go to sleep on argument/discussion with my OH and we’ve stuck to that rule. It definitely works for us.
My last completed ms deals with a bereaved woman who’s anger with God/fate/the universe makes it difficult for her to move onto acceptance as she grieves. She becomes physically unwell and it takes a man’s courageous unconditional love for her to help her move into a bright future. Not my usual style, but the characters had been nibbling away at me for three years. It took that long for me to develop the skills to do the story justice (I hope!)
Sounds like a story that needs to be told. The ones that nag at us and won’t let go can be the most difficult to write IMO.
Fantastic post, Lisa. I had a therapist once say: “There is no anger. There’s only hurt and fear.” So yes, according to the pros, anger is a very secondary emotion. 🙂
Jenny Hansen recently posted…Keep Your Characters True To Themselves
You know – this was a big deal when I first learned about this many shades of anger thing. All it once it made writing about anger easier – and harder. I use a lot of internal dialogue, so figuring this out helped tremendously.
I find I study a lot of psychology in order to improve my craft.
Great post, Lisa. There is always something to learn and getting anger right is one of the tougher emotions to get down. Thanks to Jenny Hansen’s tweet for directing me here!
Carra Copelin recently posted…Naming Characters/Tips For Writers
Thanks so much! Glad you stopped by.
I agree with Marcy, I do write my character’s anger similar to a way I would react, but I’m trying to branch out from that. And I’m working hard on visceral emotions and showing the anger. It’s amazing the difference a few well-chosen word can make.
Stacy Green recently posted…Thriller Thursday: Battered Woman Syndrome as Defense for Murder
Oh yes, I make my characters angry. And sometimes the situation turns not pretty. But sometimes the anger is short-lived. I love how you described anger as a secondary emotion: “Anger has many shades. To get black, you mix all the primary colors together.”
Hi Lisa! Loved your post. You’ve definitely given me food for thought when I write about anger. Thanks so much. Awesome!
Hey – I think this is the first time you’ve stopped by 🙂 Anger is a very rich emotion – it’s very fun to write, hard to write well.
I subscribed to your blog and get your posts all the time. I guess I just haven’t commented before! Enjoy reading them. Thanks!
Darlene Turner recently posted…What if…Jesus never walked down that steep road?
Wonderful post Lisa! I just found out how lazy I am. LOL! I knew it, but I didn’t want to face it. And I love how you explained the different colors of anger and that it is indeed a secondary emotion. What insight! What are the physiological symptoms of keeping everything inside? I thought Jenny’s comment about how it stems from hurt and fear went right along with your question. Wow I appreciated this post Lisa. Thank you! 🙂
Karen McFarland recently posted…Guest Post by Bob Mayer
Great post, Lisa. I’ll definately have to read an angry scene with thought. I love the insightful responses. It’s a good point that we tend to have our characters react the way we would.
Expressing my anger has always been scary for me since my mom and step dad fight a lot and in a pretty nasty style. I thought that I was a really calm person until I had kids. How wrong I was 😛 They’re the best patience practice.
Reetta Raitanen recently posted…Let The Music Carry You Away
You’re spot on here, Lisa. Portraying anger authentically gives a story life and depth, bringing readers through the emotions and into the action.
And please, no stereotypes! They make my blood boil 😉 (Cliches are apparently fine.)
Diana Dart recently posted…For the Win and Follow Me