I have been a stay-at-home mom off and on for eighteen years. For the last twelve years, I’ve also been a writer.
I went from knowing nothing to having my own freelance business and being a national award-winning freelance journalist and author. One thing I had to learn was how to carve out time for my writing career while keeping my family a priority. You can, too.
I think “balance” isn’t the right concept. I don’t balance my priorities, I set priorities for short seasons.
For me, trying to keep all the balls in the air all the time was exhausting and inevitably I failed at all of it.
By making writing and family each a priority for a short season (I’m talking a few hours, days or a week at a time), it all seems to balance out. My kids understand that I have deadlines and wordcounts to make and will hang out later, and sometimes I don’t touch my laptop for four or five days because it’s family time. I never neglect one or the other for very long.
There are different seasons with raising kids, so I’ll try and point out the adjustments I made in each stage.
- Make use of empty time
This is a guest post, so head over to The Positive Writer, read the rest of the article, and leave a comment there!
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