Something I’ve observed over the last two years or so is how different personalities react to uncertainty. Very little about life is certain, that’s always been true, but when the stakes are raised different personalities handle uncertainty in varied ways that can create all sorts of really compelling internal conflict….
Tag: Deep Point of View

1 Pro Tip To Create Emotional Depth In Deep POV
I have mainly been writing guest posts for other blogs and neglecting my own. *sad face* So, I’m hoping to post here more regularly going forward, but it will mean shorter posts. *mittened fist-bump* One of the things that writers seem to struggle with a lot when shifting from limited…

Writing Trauma In Fiction: Anniversaries
The anniversaries of traumatic events can radically increase internal conflict.

Writing Complex Emotions In Deep POV: Shame
The key to deep POV is specificity and particularity. Put the reader in the scene with the character, in their shoes, inside their head — keep no secrets.

Use Beats In Deep POV To Convey Emotion
In deep point of view, we want to use beats instead of dialogue tags to attribute dialogue. Beats move the story ahead, they are more efficient, keep the reader deep inside the character’s head, and remove the writer/narrator voice. In limited third person, dialogue tags are encouraged (he said/she said),…

4 Ways To Make Limited Third Person Into Deep POV
Deep POV came out of limited third person, and they have some similarities, but they are in fact different in style and strategy.