Beyond Lipstick & Swords: Writing Strong Female Characters
The free PDF previously available here is being replaced/upgraded to a live video masterclass in February 2019. Beta tests are running in January.
Why Write Strong Female Characters?
It doesn’t matter what genre you’re writing, how old your female characters are, writing women that readers care for and cheer on is a great addition to your writer’s toolbox.
Ensure your female character has agency: her own unique motivations and desires, that she’s active instead of reactive, and the plot is intricately connected with who your character is.
Learn what the the cliche, stereotypes, and tired tropes are and how to avoid them. This masterclass will have you writing stronger and more dynamic female characters right away!
Watch this page for more details. Sign up for the wait list and be the first to know when registration for this class begins.
Beyond Basics For Fiction Writers masterclasses are geared towards intermediate level writers. Through live interaction, personal feedback, video and written lessons with homework, you’ll be creating female characters even Wonder Woman would be proud of.
Here’s What People Said About The Free PDF