The Deep Dive Author Club Membership is an extension of the Method Acting For Writers Masterclass. In the masterclass, we spend 5 weeks doing a deep dive into deep point of view, and the 12 week membership picks up where the masterclass ends and goes even deeper!
The Deep Dive Author Club is a 12 week membership (this session is 14 weeks because we’ll take two weeks off for Christmas and New Years). You are placed in a group with 3-5 other writers (usually grouped by genre). Each Thursday by midnight, you will submit up to 10 pages for critique via our secure Slack channel. You read and comment on the work from the other members of your small group by Sunday midnight — and receive their feedback as well as a critique from Lisa.
You are responsible for reading and giving feedback for all members of your small group plus submitting your own work each week. As well, Lisa will do a hotseat video for each group member once during the membership period.
Over the three months of the membership, you could have feedback on up to 120 pages (or about 30,000 words).
Class begins October 21 and ends January 25. All submissions must be submitted as .rtf or a Word document. Registration is open from October 9 to 19th. Returning students have early registration, and space is limited to 15 students.
The membership is $240CDN and you can pay the full amount up front or in 4 installments of $60. There’s no refunds! You are responsible for the full amount even if you quit.
Lisa is not a professional editor, she is a writer who geeks out about deep point of view and offers insightful critiques.
The cost of this membership may increase each time it opens, but all returning students lock in at their original price as long as there isn’t a gap in membership. Any member is free to leave between sessions, but may pay a higher cost when rejoining.
This Will Be Tough!
Throughout the duration of the membership session, you can only opt out of submitting work once and may request one extra day to submit once. Even if you don’t submit work that week, you are still required to give feedback to those in your small group! Lisa is fair but tough. Critiques will not be sugar-coated, but they will will not be cruel either. There will be no empty pats-on-the-back so if you receive a well-done know that you’ve earned it.
This membership is for intermediate and advanced fiction writers (sorry – no memoirs, children’s or MG fiction) who already understand deep point of view and are looking for feedback and practice creating emotional connections with readers. If you are not an alumni of the Method Acting for Writers Masterclass, you must apply by submitting 10 pages of the work you’ll be using for the membership and be approved – email your pages to
This membership will stretch you.
Plan to set aside 15-30min per critique each week, plus whatever amount of time you feel you’ll need to write/rewrite your own submission each week. Work is to be submitted by Thursday night and feedback returned by Sunday night.
Pay in four installments of $60CDN (payments due now, and again in Nov, Dec and January) using this button:
Pay the full amount of $240CDN using this button: